Thursday, May 23, 2013


Okay . . . so tonight as my 5:30 RMM adult class was gathering, one of the members was talking about how he'd heard this tune on the radio. He could figure out the melody in his head, but couldn't figure out how the rest of the piece would be played - way too much going on in the left hand . . . I quickly googled the tune . . . (4 hands!) . . . and as several of the class members gathered around the computer . . . well, we all laughed and clapped and celebrated such magical music and a wonderful performance. The way Lang Lang and this sweet boy communicate with those glances . . . well, . . . at the end of this performance all of my RMM students were applauding and laughing and fully enjoying this musical experience as if we were at a Superbowl game. Music has the power to unite humanity on a level, no athletic sport or academic pursuit, could ever muster. (That last sentence, by the way, was original.) Absolutely, magical performance!

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