Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lorraine, 82, What an Inspiration!

Lorraine started piano as a brand new beginner 3 years ago at the age of 79. She lives in a lovely retirement community where she is surrounded by many friends and participates in a variety of activities. Yesterday when she came for her weekly RMM class, she shared with child-like enthusiasm, how learning to play the piano has changed her life. She said, "I don't know why the Lord has allowed me to live this long, but since He has, I might as well make good use of the time He's given me." Lorraine is learning to use the computer and starting a Facebook account. She said that the confidence she's gained by learning to play the piano has given her confidence to approach learning anything. The music director in her retirement community has asked her to play duets with her. She was as giddy as a teenager when she talked about which duets they'll be playing from Reflective Moments Books 2 and 3. She commented, "If I keep going like this, I'll probably live to be 100, so much to do and learn." What joy to share the gift of music!

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